The Cornwall Alliance has shared information for years about the dangers of reusable bags if you don't wash them. This isn't a new concept; here is an article in USA Today published in 2014 that discusses the germs often found in reusable bags.This issue is something we should all be conscious of as we try to do our part to slow the spread of the coronavirus. This is especially important if you live in places like California where most people use reusable grocery bags. … [Read more...]
A Prayer for China and the Chinese People
Dear Father in Heaven,We thank You for blessing us with such a diverse world, with people groups all around the world. Though we speak different tongues and have different cultural aspects, You have made us all in your image and we know that you want to win back people from every tribe of this world.After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in … [Read more...]
Protect Us From Corruption and Government Overreach We Pray
Lord,We thank you for the wisdom embodied in the Cornwall Alliance group and leadership. Please save the world from the deceptions that we mankind must control the earth, but rather remind us that we are simply stewards to use your resources to spread the Word through travel, technology, and education of the peoples. Protect us from those men that would us coronavirus to increase governmental controls, poverty, and waste with all their corruptions.In fact we ask you to strengthen the hand of … [Read more...]
Cooped Up at Home? You’re Invited!
Every year on March 25 the Cornwall Alliance hosts a Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor. This year, with the Coronavirus bringing suffering to millions all over the world, we really need to pray. Here are some broad, general ideas to guide you.First, begin with praise and thanksgiving to God forHis wisdom, power, and love displayed in all of creation;His faithfully preserving all of creation;His just judgments in creation for man’s sin;His plan to reconcile … [Read more...]