Folks like those who stage events like the "Walk Against Warming" illustrated above think fighting climate change is a high priority. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry say climate change is the greatest threat facing the world. But United Nations-sponsored worldwide polling suggests that how people answer the question, "How high a priority is fighting global warming?" depends significantly on their economic condition. Data for all countries and country groups, ages, education … [Read more...]
Anglican Bishop and Labour Leader Respond to Pope Francis on Climate Change
Anglican Bishop Peter Forster and Labour Party Leader Bernard Donoughue team up for a clear, concise, respectful, yet telling critique of Pope Francis's encyclical LAUDATO SI', published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. They argue, as has the Cornwall Alliance, that: 1. The policies Pope Francis supports to reduce global warming will harm the world's poor. 2. Using fossil fuels has been and should continue to be a huge benefit to humanity, lifting billions of out poverty, but also to … [Read more...]
Bringing a Little Sanity to the Environmental Protection Agency
Scientist and economist Dr. Alan Carlin was a model civil servant for nearly forty years, serving as a science analyst in the federal Environmental Protection Agency. But in 2009, he made a bad career move. He told the truth. As one of the EPA staff members assigned to assess the warming effect of added CO2 in the atmosphere preparatory to formulating emissions regulations, Carlin deviated from the EPA's play book of accepting as gospel the pronouncements of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on … [Read more...]
“Global warming really has become a new religion”–Nobel Physicist Ivar Giaever
Ivar Giaever explains in this video lecture why he rejects global warming alarming. "It's ridiculous," he says, to think we can measure global average temperature (GAT) accurately, and that we should consider an increase in GAT from ~1880 to 2015 from ~288 degrees Kelvin to ~288.8 degrees Kelvin (an increase of only 0.3%) frightening. There's much more in this brilliant lecture. But who cares what he thinks? He's just a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. And after all, he's not a member of the … [Read more...]
Validation of IPCC’s Global Warming Forecasts would Require More than Tripling Warming Rate
At +0.11C per decade rate, Global Average Temperature would rise 1.1C in a century, not the ~3C generally predicted by IPCC without CO2 emission reduction. Actual increase in the 36.5 years since 1978 is 0.407C. To wind up with 3C increase in the century from 1978 through 2077, we'd need to add another 2.593C in the remaining 63.5 years, i.e., 0.41C per decade, 3.7 times the rate so far. Anybody got a good idea what's going to drive that more-than-tripling of the rate of increase? Or might it … [Read more...]
Bishop’s “Call to Action” on Climate and Fossil Fuels May Be Less than Meets the Eye
Paul Etienne, Catholic Bishop of Cheyenne, with jurisdiction over the Diocese of Wyoming, was cited recently in Inside Energy as calling Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si' "a call to action" for Wyoming, the nation's largest coal-producing state. But there might not be quite so much to what Bishop Etienne said as Inside Energy would wish. The sole quote from him is this: I know this document is going to disturb many people in this state," he said, "because it is very much an energy-driven … [Read more...]
Ice Ages: Our Real Climate Catastrophe
While attention worldwide focuses on manmade global warming, the risks from which are fairly small compared to the benefits of the energy use that allegedly drives it, the real risk to humanity (and the rest of the biosphere) is, as it has been throughout geologic history, from nature-made global cooling. Atmospheric physicist S. Fred Singer reflects on that in a recent article in American Thinker: What drew my attention to ice ages is the manuscript (Climate and Collapse) by agricultural … [Read more...]
Fear Not, Climate Alarmism Unfounded
In my position as environmental manager for one of the largest university systems in the U.S., I regularly make it a point to ask scientists and engineers working in the real world, solving real day-to-day problems and stewarding our natural resources and environment, about their professional views on the issues of climate and energy. Their responses almost uniformly reflect disagreement with, practically a disdain for, the climate alarmists’ and sustainability activists’ premise that manmade … [Read more...]
Why do I Think Climate Alarmists Are Overreacting?
Religion Dispatches posted Jacob J. Erickson’s interesting article “Falling in Love with the Earth: Francis’ Faithful Ecology,” about a week ago, and one follower, “Whiskyjack,” chastened Catholic Republican Presidential candidates for hypocrisy on the grounds that they accept his authority on abortion and homosexuality but not on climate change. I replied: Catholic dogma holds that papal authority is only in matters of faith (doctrine) and morals. It doesn't extend to science, economics, or … [Read more...]
Estimates of climate sensitivity falling
Just came across this, and it's stunning. Those who charge CAGW skeptics with being anti-science need to take a look at this and consider carefully: Who's been trending right about how much warming comes from adding CO2 to the atmosphere? For in-depth discussion, see Nicholas Lewis, "Pitfalls in climate sensitivity estimation," Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Featured image from … [Read more...]
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