The recent Christmas season illuminated homes and hearts worldwide, drawing us in to the manger in Bethlehem—a humbling yet radiant scene where divine love entered humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ. "For unto us a child is born," proclaimed Isaiah, speaking of a Savior who would bear the sins of humanity, redeem the broken, and restore the lost (Isaiah 9:6).Many of us see Christ’s coming largely, even entirely, as relevant to our individual personal destinies. But there is more—much … [Read more...]
Playing Telephone with a Climate Report: Politicians Obscure Science, Media Fall in Line
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just released its latest big report, this one titled Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (a mere 2,913 pages). Practically nobody will ever read it. (I confess haven't.) Its Technical Summary is just 142 pages. (No, haven't read that yet, either.) Its Summary for Policymakers is a mere 64 pages. (Still nope---though this one I might actually try to read in the next week or so.)Why would I write about a report of … [Read more...]
Don’t Lose Sleep Over the Latest UN Climate Report
It’s not “code red for humanity.”The philosopher G.F. Hegel is notorious for having said that if facts contradict theory, then “um so schlimmer für die Fakten”—“so much the worse for the facts.” Not surprisingly, the idealist Hegel had a huge influence on another idealist philosopher, Karl Marx, whose “scientific socialism” was socialist but decidedly not scientific. Facts have never seemed to matter much to socialists—it’s theory that counts.Perhaps that underlies the propensity for some … [Read more...]
A Simple Explanation of Why Climate Models “Run Hot”
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6) has been released, much to the excitement of and fanfare from the mainstream media. It was expected that gloom and despair would permeate the document – unless, of course, we adopt a draconian carbon-dioxide-reduction strategy – and the IPCC did not fail to deliver.So, where do these extreme climate scenarios originate? One could assume that they could be “made up”; after all, climate change … [Read more...]
IPCC-proposed banishment of fossil fuels would put most of the world’s people at risk
Oil derivatives and fuel manufactured from oil were the main reasons population rose to 8 billion.United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls the AR6 Climate Change 2021 Report, just released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a “code red for humanity“ that "must sound a death knell for … fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet.”The report fails to acknowledge that the introduction of oil just over 100 years ago has been overwhelmingly beneficial, enabling … [Read more...]
Exposing the Media’s Climate Change Lies and Exaggerations
For 20 years or more, dire warnings about global warming and “climate change” have taken the mass media of entertainment by storm. Every few years, climate change doomsayers have claimed that the world only has 12 years to turn the tide. They said practically the same thing 12 and 15 years ago; however, that they’re saying this year!Many news stories, many news programs and many movies, including many documentaries, have sounded the alarm about global warming and climate change, such as Al … [Read more...]
New Climate Report Got You Shakin’ in Your Boots?
Every year like clockwork, starting in late July and running through to November, mainstream media around the world start hyping the message: your sinful use of fossil fuels to heat or cool your home, cook your food, power your car or truck, make and market and use your food, clothing, shelter, communications, transportation, health care, and all the other things that keep you alive and healthy will make the world overheat, and then you'll be sorry! And this year, the United Nations' (UN) … [Read more...]
Climate Alarmist Consensus—About to Shatter?
Is this the End of the Beginning, or the Beginning of the End? On November 10, 1942, after British and Commonwealth forces defeated the Germans and Italians at the Second Battle of El Alamein, taking nearly 30,000 prisoners, Winston Churchill told the British Parliament, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” In The Hinge of Fate, volume 3 of his marvelous 6-volume history of World War II, published eight years later, he … [Read more...]
A Great Disturbance in the Force?
Earlier today we posted a blog piece, "Cracks in the Empire's Armor Appear," by Dr. Roy W. Spencer, that commented humorously on how the media have responded to a new study by climate scientists who heretofore have reliably toed the alarmist line. Observing that actual warming trends are far smaller than those projected by the computer climate models on which the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and various national agencies depend, the authors concluded that therefore there's … [Read more...]
Human-induced Global Warming—A Little, or a Lot?
Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer's monthly graph of global lower atmosphere temperature anomaly for March 2017 shows we're still cooling from the super-El Nino that so warmed 2016. Track your eye straight left from the farthest-right point and you'll see that there's little change from the anomalies of roughly 2001--2006, and of course we had significant downs and ups in between. John Christy in his February 2017 Global Temperature Report (go to … [Read more...]