Scientists at the CO2 Coalition say a fuss over the greenhouse-warming effect of anesthetic gases is much ado about something so close to nothing as be undetectable -- tiny fractions of degrees in temperature. In fact, we would add, compared to the stakes at risk in many surgical procedures, fretting over climate change in an operating room is frivolous at best.Anybody being “put under” for surgery is likely to wonder about the competency and focus of the anesthesiologist. Questions about … [Read more...]
India’s COP-26 promise of Net Zero by 2070 overshadowed by coal use
On COP26’s first day, India’s Prime Minister Modi announced that the world’s second largest coal consumer would become Net Zero by 2070 — a commitment that means almost nothing given realities of the subcontinent’s dependence on fossil fuels to meet the energy needs of 1.3 billion people.Though Modi’s efforts were praised by British PM Boris Johnson, the target of 2070 only reveals the country’s unwillingness to embrace any meaningful emission-reduction policy. Contrary to media reports, … [Read more...]
“Net Zero by 2050”: Roadmap to Conflict and Poverty
The Biden Administration wants America to make emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases amount to “net zero”—that is, for emissions and removal of GHGs to be equal—by 2050. The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA, established in 1974 under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development following the 1973 oil crisis to ensure that oil supplies remained secure) has released a new study purporting to show how to get there.But Dr. David Kreutzer, Senior Economist at … [Read more...]
International Energy Agency’s Green energy fantasy is a hoot
Looking for laughs? The International Energy Agency has produced a laugh filled report, grandly titled: “Net Zero by 2050: A roadmap for the global energy system“. Redesigning the global energy system. My, oh my. Below are a few highlights, out of many.To begin with it is not a roadmap, as it does not tell us how to get there. In fact you cannot get there from here, which makes their there very amusing. This is perhaps the most elaborate net zero … [Read more...]