Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT University, one of the world’s leading experts on atmospheric physics, had these extraordinary words: ‘Carbon control is a bureaucratic dream. If you control carbon, you control life’. The European Commission (EC), in its desire to control CO2 emissions, is going to – although it is not intended to – control the daily lives of European citizens.On 14 July 2021, the EC published a package of legislative measures to achieve the targets agreed by the … [Read more...]
U.S. Power Grid At Government-Induced Tipping Point
Modern society is heavily dependent on electric power. Our power systems were designed by competent engineers and operated by skilled staff, so until fairly recently people have generally been able to count on having electricity in their homes and businesses on demand, even during periods of extreme weather. Historically, the U.S. power grid has proven remarkably resilient.Sadly, as political considerations have increasingly trumped basic physics and engineering, electric power failures have … [Read more...]
Renewable Energy’s China Problem
This past week as I was preparing to publish a webcast, Are Renewable Energy Mandates Effective, news dropped from the Wall Street Journal that the Biden Administration is pursuing a “BackDoor” Climate Plan that would bypass Congress. About the same time, on March 18, Annie Grayer of CNN tweeted that AOC is preparing to “re-rollout” the Green New Deal. When you control Congress and the White House, why do you need to use a backdoor to begin with? With so much zealotry behind net-zero by 2050, it … [Read more...]
Wind and solar dependency on fossil fuels is a fact we cannot ignore
Newly inaugurated President Joe Biden is moving forward with his Clean Energy Agenda. At the heart of the proposed energy transition plans is the assumption that wind and solar offer cleaner and greener energy than fossil fuels, thus saving the world from a potential climate disaster.Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, tweeted on January 20, 2021, "The Senate Democratic majority will take up bold legislation to defeat the climate crisis by investing in clean … [Read more...]
Toward a Renewable Chaos: Carbon Imperialism and Disadvantaged Smaller Nations
Net Zero, Climate Action, Build Back Better, and the Great Reset are some of the names for policies aimed at expediting the transition of the global energy sector from fossil fuel to renewable technology. The goal? Saving the planet from climate apocalypse.But there is a huge hurdle to make this transition a reality. Most of the world’s primary energy comes from coal, oil, and gas.Fossil fuels dominate the global energy sector, and there is a reason for that: they are reliable, abundant, and … [Read more...]
Factually Examining Climate Change
Most of the world’s leading economic powers – excluding China Russia and Iran – are legitimizing misguided energy and electricity policies based on global warming/climate change (GWCC); the World Health Organization says, “climate change is the number one health threat.” This led to the 97% consensus of scientists believe in anthropogenic global warming “Cook et al. (2013 paper),” which has been “thoroughly refuted in scholarly peer-reviewed journals,” and over ninety seven different … [Read more...]
The Green New Deal dress rehearsal
The Covid-19 lockdown as a blueprint for a permanent economic shutdown to ‘save the Earth’ More than 1.4 million cases of Wuhan Coronavirus and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson and looting are compounding problems for many cities and minority communities. But where many see disaster, others see … [Read more...]
Destroying The Environment To Save It
Pseudo-green energy will wreak devastation, pretending to prevent exaggerated climate harm “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” The infamous Vietnam era quotation may or may not have been uttered by an anonymous US Army major. It may have been misquoted, revised, apocryphal or invented. But it quickly morphed into an anti-war mantra that reflected attitudes of the time. For Virginians and others forced to travel the path of “clean, green, renewable, sustainable” energy, it … [Read more...]
No Plan B for Planet A: Replacing fossil fuels with “renewable” energy would devastate the only planet we’ve got
Environmentalists and Green New Deal proponents like to say we must take care of the Earth, because “There is no Planet B.” Above all, they insist, we must eliminate fossil fuels, which they say are causing climate change worse than the all-natural ice ages, Medieval Warm Period or anything else in history. Their Plan A is simple: No fossil fuels. Keep them in the ground. More than a few Democrat presidential aspirants have said they would begin implementing that diktat their very first day in … [Read more...]
Renewable Failure and Renewable Threats to Wildlife Become a Global Norm
As the Paris climate agreement pushes for more and more renewable installments globally, reports of failure of installed renewables, especially wind and solar, are also becoming increasingly common.Nobody wishes for wind and solar to fail. After all, billions of dollars have been invested in them. I, like many others, desire to see renewables strengthen the existing energy infrastructure globally.Sadly, and inevitably, though, the drawbacks and limitations of wind and solar keep resurfacing, no … [Read more...]