For decades the primary way environmentalists concerned about manmade global warming have advocated to slow it has been to reduce human emissions of the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide (mainly from burning coal, oil, and natural gas for energy). Lately they have focused increasingly on contributions from two other “greenhouse gases,” primarily from agriculture—methane (CH4) from livestock flatulence, and nitrous oxide (N2O) from chemical fertilizers.Why? Because CH4’s forcing effect (the amount … [Read more...]
The Most Bizarre Experience of My Life
The first week of February, I had the most bizarre experience of my life. I don’t know how it will play out, but I thank God I came home alive. Here’s what happened, with a bit of context.In early December, I got an email from someone claiming to work for a video production company working on a documentary on climate change and energy policy. The producers said they appreciated Cornwall Alliance’s perspective and wanted to include it in the “round-table discussion.”After two months of emails and … [Read more...]
Multi-Faith Australian Religious Leaders Demand ‘Climate Justice’ … to the Disservice of God, Human Flourishing and Science
Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist leaders in Australia “say climate change is impacting the future of religion,” ABC Radio News, Australia, reports.It never quite becomes clear just how climate change would impact the future of religion, but one certainly gets the impression that one of the chief ways is by furthering religious syncretism — the watering down, compromising, and intermixing of doctrinal distinctives in the name of cooperation with other religions.The article begins, “The world … [Read more...]
Is New York Times Senior Writer David Leonhardt Lying, Lazy, or Just Stupid?
Every morning the New York Times sends subscribers a newsletter called "The Morning." September 12's lead item, by David Leonhardt, discussed why he thinks the Electoral College may be getting less friendly to Republicans. Whether that's so is an interesting question, but it's not what most caught my eye.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashWhat most caught my eye was his statement that "the Republican Party denies climate change." Nope, sorry. The Republican Party's platform, last revised … [Read more...]
An Insider’s Prudent Advice to America’s Electric Power Industry
When in June of this year the Cornwall Alliance offered to send Robert Bryce’s book A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations free as our thanks when people donated, one donor, Thomas J. Myers, responded with a note we just had to share. He writes from experience within the electric power industry. With his permission, here’s what he said. It’s a message millions need to hear and take seriously.Image: Creative Commons under Unsplash Thanks for communicating to folks the … [Read more...]
Global Warming Causes More Home Runs? Another Claim Strikes Out
Fourteen years ago Nicolas Loris, writing for The Daily Signal, wrote, “Global Warming Ate My Homework: 100 Things Blamed on Global Warming.” Included in the list were such things as a surge in fatal shark attacks, tornado deaths among Boy Scouts, snowfall in Baghdad, an airliner crash, the Black Hawk Down incident, cougar attacks, different-tasting beer, heroin addiction, Earth spinning faster, insomnia in children, increases in crime, and—honest—global cooling!Image: Creative Commons … [Read more...]
Is Opposition to Fossil Fuels Pro-Life?
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) supports a recent proposal by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to stiffen PM2.5 requirements—a regulation that would further impede the use of fossil fuels—claiming: “PM2.5 is a deadly killer responsible for up to 200,000 deaths in the United States every year. Recent medical research links PM2.5 to nine (9) causes of death: cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic … [Read more...]
A Powerful Defense of Capitalism
When Forbes editor Steve Forbes calls a book “one of the most important … in decades defending capitalism,” it’s time to sit up and take notice. Rainer Zitelmann’s In Defense of Capitalism: Debunking the Myths (USA, Republic Book Publishers, March 2023) fully deserves Forbes’s praise.In 10 relatively short chapters constituting the first half of the book, Zitelmann conclusively debunks ten myths, e.g., that capitalism is responsible for hunger and poverty or for environmental destruction, … [Read more...]
Judith Curry to Senate (and Senator Whitehouse): Cool It!
So much theatrical foolishness happens in Congressional hearings that one wonders why anyone bothers with them. But every once in a while, someone really intelligent, really well informed, really courageous addresses one of them, and then it’s a good idea to pay attention.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThat happened March 23 when our friend Dr. Judith Curry, President of Climate Forecast Applications Network and former Professor and Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at … [Read more...]
Here’s a Real Superhero for Your Kids to Imitate!
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBillions of people owe him thanks. Hardly any have heard of him.He worked patiently, tirelessly, in dirt and grime, unknown to almost everyone. But he’s one of the most important people who’ve ever lived.Of models I hope my grandkids will follow, he’s among the top. Not that they’d do the same kind of work, but that they’d cultivate the same self-discipline, the same determination to serve others, the same humility.In the United States, he won the … [Read more...]
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