We’re told global warming gives us only 5, 10, 12 more years (depending on the doomsayer) before the planet is irretrievably doomed. “Therefore, act now!” alarmists demand. Of course, they’ve been saying the same thing for 10, 20, 25 years. It’s become impossible to spoof these people… Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist Green Deal is so laughably ridiculous even the leftist leadership of her own Democratic Party is running from it. Amid the backlash, she's apparently removed … [Read more...]
‘No Country for Radicals’: India Fights Back Against Obstructionist Nonprofits
Mark Scialla, a freelance journalist based in the United States, was deported from India two weeks ago (editors note, this article was originally published on Jan. 17) for reportedly documenting a controversial case surrounding the operations of a copper smelting factory. So why are countries like India becoming increasingly wary of foreign elements and their growing involvement in domestic developmental issues? The news of the journalist’s deportation did not come as a surprise to many … [Read more...]
Does Fighting Global Warming Help or Hurt the Poor?
Want to "bring nothing but misery to poor people, especially in the developing world"? Simple: Just follow the advice of the international cabal of UN leaders and their organizations calling for drastic action to fight global warming. The harangue is familiar everywhere by now: Global warming will harm everybody, but it'll harm the poor most of all. Curbing it will help everybody, but it'll help the poor most of all. Is that true? Not according to Dr. Mikko Paunio, an expert on public health … [Read more...]
Les Misérables of Climate Drama
In the world-famous drama based on Victor Hugo's novel Les Misérables, Jean Valjean is released on parole from the Bagne of Toulon after serving nineteen years for stealing a loaf of bread. Yes, for stealing a loaf of bread! A jail term of 19 years seems like an excessive punishment for a piece of bread. It does invoke anger and sadness in many as they first see the play. But what about real-world situations that are more miserable? Imagine if whole countries are branded as evil and … [Read more...]
Why Is the Cornwall Alliance Offering a Booklet on Social Justice?
About a month ago I was among the earliest signers of a public statement that has since gained widespread attention and even stirred up controversy, the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel. Some people wonder why I signed. Their curiosity grows in light of the Cornwall Alliance’s offering my booklet Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel, to our friends this month. Why would we do that? I understand the question. It’s not clear at first why … [Read more...]
Does Bill Gates Fail to See Himself in the World’s Growing Billions?
Bill Gates is a brilliant man. His combination of tech and business savvy not only made him one of the world’s richest people (currently, with a net worth of about $90 billion, #2 behind Jeff Bezos’s $112 billion) but also gave him the opportunity to be one of the world’s biggest philanthropists, chairing, with wife Melinda, the world’s largest private charitable foundation. But brilliance in technology and brilliance in business don’t necessarily guarantee brilliance in other fields. I … [Read more...]
Should Government Take Steps to Curb Acquisitiveness?
Recently when I posted an item to Facebook that applauded America's growing economy under President Donald Trump, a friend challenged the notion that economic growth is a good thing. He and I have discussed the subject various times. He thinks that for countries already as wealthy as the United States growth is bad because it entails depleting resources and doesn't actually enhance human well being or happiness. I have responded to both ideas in my chapter refuting the idea that "Capitalism Is … [Read more...]
Ah, the Complexities of Liberal Environmentalism!
Laugh? Scream? Cry? What's the proper reaction to a letter from liberal Democratic Senators Charles Schumer (NY), Maria Cantwell (WA), Ed Markey (MA), and Robert Menendez (NJ) to President Donald Trump decrying the harm rising gasoline prices does to American families. (It's always about the family, you know! Whatever a "family" might be.) All four Senators have supported raising federal taxes on gasoline as a way to fight global warming by reducing consumption. The tax increase would, of … [Read more...]
Keeping People in the Dark is Easy—Just Keep Them in the Dark
It's long been clear that electricity, by putting enormous power at the fingertips of billions of ordinary people, has been crucial to their conquest of poverty. Just now, though, a short article by energy journalist Robert Bryce turned a new light on for me: Electricity is crucial to keeping people free, too. Why? Because information and its rapid, unrestricted sharing feed freedom. And electricity facilitates that rapid sharing of information---through telephones, radio, television, the … [Read more...]
Prayer for the Weak and the Poor
Dear Father in Heaven, We pray for the poor of the world. Lord, you’ve asked us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Help us Lord to be obedient to your calling and live as your ambassadors. Help our political leaders to understand the need for the right policies to tackle poverty. Save us from the wrong policy decisions that risks precious resources in wrong avenues. Renew our hearts to care for the poor. Help the poor see the greater Hope and Joy that is in you, and help them see … [Read more...]
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